We are always looking for more Health Education supplies for our groups and activities. We operate the only services in Tongan and often we are trying to encourage our community to adopt healthier activities, like counting their steps so we are always looking for pedometers or fitness trackers; eating healthier by using a crockpots to incorporate more home cooking with less processed foods; building gardens with some of our native fruits and vegetables and needing the supplies to build and implement them in the community. If you would like to contact us regarding any health education materials that we could utilize and donate, we would be happy to share more with you about the programs we are operating.
For all donations, please email us to coordinate a time for us to further talk:
Taulama for Tongans accepts donations and we are a 501c3 agency, that can provide you with a letter regarding your contribution.
The types of donations that you might consider:
Financial donations help our agency build capacity and purchase equipment to make us even more efficient.
School supplies for our children. As the schools demand families to purchase more of the school supplies and books, we accept new and in the package: Lined paper, pencils, erasers, pens, back packs, art supplies, and computers.
Tickets to local events for our families to have a day out together. Often with the demands of bills, family requirements, community obligations, and church we don't have the financial means for extra curricular activities. If you have tickets to a local event that you would like to donate to our participants, volunteers, or our community, we would be ever grateful for these opportunities.